A Pastoral Message from Christ Church
Dear family and friends of Christ Church,
I’m just back from a weekend in the Diocese of Ohio (Cleveland) where I helped lead a program they call “Winter Convocation”. Over 200 Episcopalians spent the weekend together talking about the parishes and church they love, sharing best practices for congregational development, worshipping, praying, eating and enjoying each other. It was a real treat to spend much of my time on the stage looking out at these faithful people. The selfie below (taken by Bishop Anne Jolly) shows us just before the opening session.
One of development models I presented, a “go-to” model I keep in my back pocket at all times, shows desired change as a simple math equation:
C = D x V x F > R
The idea is pretty straightforward. Change (C) has three necessary components: Dissatisfaction (D), Vision (V) and First Steps (F). All three are needed to overcome the natural human tendency to Resist (R). Why a math equation? Because if any of the three needed components are zero, than the whole experiment fails.
Of the three change components (dissatisfaction, vision and first steps), can you guess which caused the most concern for participants? You guessed it: Dissatisfaction! No one likes to think about dissatisfaction in church! And yet, we discussed how comfort and complacency can so often dull our spiritual senses and lull us into an orientation of apathy. Once there, snug as a bug in our warm, spiritual rug, it can take great efforts to reawaken our zeal and propel us into the world as conveyors of Christ’s Gospel.
As we continue living into this lengthy season of Epiphany, a season which invites us to open our eyes to the workings of God in this world, I wonder: Can you identify an area of your life where you want to see improvement? An area where things are not quite as they could be? An area where you feel stuck and uncertain? In other words, can you identify a place where you are currently dissatisfied?
Only when we are willing to name concerns can we begin to envision something different and take the first steps toward a new goal. While we are encouraged not to make a home there, sometimes a little bit of dissatisfaction can lead to a lot of joy!
See you in church! Blessings and peace,
See in church!
The Reverend Chris Streeter, Priest-in-Charge
Christ Episcopal Church, Newton NJ

The Reverend Chris Streeter, Priest-in-Charge